CHARLES & KEITH 鞋款低至34折優惠!

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新加坡人氣品牌小CK(即係CHARLES & KEITH)設計正但價錢平,以前香港人去親新加坡都會買返幾個包包,而家只要安坐家中即可以用最抵嘅價錢掃最靚嘅小CK呀!原來小CK仲有好多勁靚嘅鞋款架,而家仲做緊特價,低至34折添,即搶啦!



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CHARLES & KEITH 鞋款低至34折優惠!

優惠更新日期:Tue, 12 May 2020 09:51:13 +0800

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新加坡人氣品牌小CK(即係CHARLES & KEITH)設計正但價錢平,以前香港人去親新加坡都會買返幾個包包,而家只要安坐家中即可以用最抵嘅價錢掃最靚嘅小CK呀!原來小CK仲有好多勁靚嘅鞋款架,而家仲做緊特價,低至34折添,即搶啦!

慳家Tips:在CHARLES & KEITH只要買夠$200就可以享有免運費優惠直送到屋企/公司,無論香港/澳門都有免運費優惠,真係好方便呀!

CHARLES & KEITH 鞋款低至5折優惠優惠期:即日起,隨時完

精選慳家人優惠推介:CHARLES & KEITH 鞋款低至34折優惠!>即刻去睇睇優惠詳情啦!

Charles & Keith減價至慳家推介(優惠去得好快架,記住要搶呀!)

Charles & Keith慳家優惠1:Kids Swan Detail Flats

原價:HK$169.00 | 特價:HK$79.00(低至34折)
還有更多詳情/圖片CHARLES & KEITH 鞋款低至34折優惠!,包幫到你搵到最正嘅優惠呀!

Easy on the arch, and the eyes, our collection of little girls’ shoes will keep your little one looking and feeling great all day.

Charles & Keith慳家優惠2:Lacing Detail Pumps

原價:HK$319.00 | 特價:HK$139.00(低至34折)
CHARLES & KEITH 鞋款低至34折優惠!:第3張圖片/優惠詳情

Elevate your look in a style second with a stunning pair of shoes. Strut your stuff in our latest footwear designs that are equal parts pretty and polished.

Charles & Keith慳家優惠3:Garden Print Sliders

原價:HK$339.00 | 特價:HK$169.00 (低至34折)
CHARLES & KEITH 鞋款低至34折優惠!:第4張圖片/優惠詳情

Welcome spring with these sweet sliders. Goes well with a pastel-coloured outfit or slim fit jeans.

Charles & Keith慳家優惠4:Bow Strap Textured Pointed Toe Mules

原價:HK$369.00 | 特價:HK$179.00(低至34折)
CHARLES & KEITH 鞋款低至34折優惠!:第5張圖片/優惠詳情

Start every ensemble on the right foot with these eye-catching red slingback pumps. Topped with a bow, this pair will add a pop of colour while bringing the glam to an all-black or all-white ensemble.

Charles & Keith慳家優惠5:Criss Cross Heeled Sandals

原價:HK$399.00 | 特價:HK$179.00(低至34折)
CHARLES & KEITH 鞋款低至34折優惠!:第6張圖片/優惠詳情

Grey cross strap sandals featuring an elastic ankle strap and a thin stiletto heel.

Charles & Keith慳家優惠6:Chrome Tip Pumps

原價:HK$369.00 | 特價:HK$179.00(低至34折)
CHARLES & KEITH 鞋款低至34折優惠!:第7張圖片/優惠詳情

A rosy pair to inject sweetness to any look. Easy to slip in and out from, team these prune coloured chrome tip pumps with a front slit skirt for a flirty finish. Did we mention it has a very comfortable 3.5cm low block heel?

Charles & Keith慳家優惠7:Knotted Kitten Heel Pumps

原價:HK$369.00 | 特價:HK$179.00(低至34折)
CHARLES & KEITH 鞋款低至34折優惠!:第8張圖片/優惠詳情

The perfect daytime or weekend partner. Let this pair of teal green kitten heels take centre stage when you slip into them with layered neutrals.

Charles & Keith慳家優惠8:V-Cut Patent Slingback Flats

原價:HK$369.00 | 特價:HK$179.00(低至34折)
CHARLES & KEITH 鞋款低至34折優惠!:第9張圖片/優惠詳情

Creamy white, easy to wear, and matches with everything — here are your new go-to slingback flats for the weekend. Complete the dainty look when you slip into these with a floral wrap dress and your favourite crossbody bag.

Charles & Keith慳家優惠9:Terrazzo Print Sculptural Heel Covered Sandals

原價:HK$369.00 | 特價:HK$179.00(低至34折)
CHARLES & KEITH 鞋款低至34折優惠!:第10張圖片/優惠詳情

A heel that will spark conversations. These pink ankle strap sandals with a surprising terrazzo-print heel add just the right amount of texture to a little white dress.

註:以上Charles & Keith優惠在發佈當日經驗證仍有貨源,不過可能優惠太熱門會缺貨或提前完結優惠;慳家人記住要直接在Charles & Keith網站上查詢最新價錢以及優惠,希望以上資訊幫到你慳!

CHARLES & KEITH 鞋款低至34折優惠!


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Charles & Keith (小ck)優惠慳人包

Charles & Keith (小ck) 優惠慳人包

CHARLES & KEITH成立於1996年(charles and keith在香港普遍稱為「小CK」),由Charles Wong與Keith Wong所創辦。抱持著對時尚的展望,設計出屬於亞洲女性的鞋款。身為一個時尚生活品牌,charles and keith利用最新的流行趨勢元素設計各種商品,包括包款及首飾配件,將其成為可觸及到的時尚。該品牌的獨特嚴選設計也讓時髦的都市女性擁有時尚的購物目的地。從第一間新加坡店鋪至現今charles and keith在亞洲、歐洲及中東地區已擁有超過500間的店鋪,官方購物網站CHARLESKEITH.COM也在各時尚城市上線,包括杜拜、首爾、上海、台北和香港。近三年進駐了更多城市,包括法國巴黎老佛爺百貨快閃店、香港沙田及中環門市,以及澳門威尼斯人店舖。
