CHARLES & KEITH 2020年聖誕大減價低至4折優惠

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CHARLES & KEITH 2020年聖誕大減價低至4折優惠

優惠更新日期:Thu, 24 Dec 2020 09:22:10 +0800

Tips:我地為咗方便堅慳家人,只要按一下我地提供嘅 Coupon Code 就會自動為你 Copy,跟住可以即刻 Paste 貼上(電腦上就可用 mouse right click/按 [Ctrl] + [V];電話就長按個格然後就按"Paste"就得),立即就可以使用優惠碼,幫你慳埋時間呀!

新加坡人氣品牌小CK(即係CHARLES & KEITH)設計正但價錢平,以前香港人去親新加坡都會買返幾個,而家只要安坐家中即可以用最抵嘅價錢掃最靚嘅小CK呀!而家小CK網店釋出咗聖誕大減價呀,好多熱賣貨品減到低至5折 一減再減低至4折,即搶啦!無論係鞋、袋、襯飾、銀包、太陽眼鏡同埋小童衣飾都有得減呀,好多仲要係online exclusive架,而家唔買等幾時!

慳家Tips:在CHARLES & KEITH只要買夠$200就可以享有免運費優惠直送到屋企/公司,無論香港/澳門都有免運費優惠,真係好方便呀!

CHARLES & KEITH 2020年聖誕大減價低至4折優惠優惠期:即日起,隨時完

精選慳家人優惠推介:CHARLES & KEITH 2020年聖誕大減價低至4折優惠>即刻去睇睇優惠詳情啦!

Charles & Keith減價至慳家推介(優惠去得好快架,記住要搶呀!)

Charles & Keith慳家優惠1:Cut-Out Tinted Sunglasses

原價:HK$469.00 | 特價:HK$369.00(今次有低至4折優惠呀)
還有更多詳情/圖片CHARLES & KEITH 2020年聖誕大減價低至4折優惠,包幫到你搵到最正嘅優惠呀!

Glam-girl vibes guaranteed, these cut-out green tinted shades are the ones to pack for your next vacation. Style them with everything from floral sundresses to a tee and jeans.

Charles & Keith慳家優惠2:Cut-Out Tinted Sunglasses

原價:HK$469.00 | 特價:HK$369.00(今次有低至4折優惠呀)
CHARLES & KEITH 2020年聖誕大減價低至4折優惠:第3張圖片/優惠詳情

Add a cool factor to any ensemble with these mauve gradient tint cut-out sunglasses. Imagine this pair with a white cotton frock for maximum impact.

Charles & Keith慳家優惠3:Girls’ Glitter Mary Jane Flats

原價:HK$269.00 | 特價:HK$129.00(今次有低至4折優惠呀)
CHARLES & KEITH 2020年聖誕大減價低至4折優惠:第4張圖片/優惠詳情

The perfect glitter pair for your little girl, just in time for the festive season. Try these millennial pink Mary Jane flats with everything from skirts and shorts to colourful ensembles.

Charles & Keith慳家優惠4:Girls’ ‘Rat Zodiac’ Mary Jane Flats

原價:HK$219.00 | 特價:HK$169.00(今次有低至4折優惠呀)
CHARLES & KEITH 2020年聖誕大減價低至4折優惠:第5張圖片/優惠詳情

Just in time for the Lunar New Year, these super-cute rat zodiac Mary Janes will put a smile on your mini-me’s face for sure. Pretty in pink and full of charm, let her wear these with a dungaree dress and a mini backpack. Bonus points for the stretchable Mary Jane strap that gives extra support for active little legs.

Charles & Keith慳家優惠5:Girls’ Dot Motif Tote Bag

原價:HK$419.00 | 特價:HK$299.00(今次有低至4折優惠呀)
CHARLES & KEITH 2020年聖誕大減價低至4折優惠:第6張圖片/優惠詳情

This white tote with silver dot motif is not only adorable, it’s practical for your little one too. Let her carry her own essentials and team it with a navy frock for a comfy look.

Charles & Keith慳家優惠6:Textured Lace-Up Sneakers

原價:HK$469.00 | 特價:HK$279.00(今次有低至4折優惠呀)
CHARLES & KEITH 2020年聖誕大減價低至4折優惠:第7張圖片/優惠詳情

Put your own spin on the chunky sneaker trend with this teal coloured pair. These chunky lace-up number will look just as casual, if not cooler, with your slip dress or billowy maxi skirt.

Charles & Keith慳家優惠7:Metallic Accent Geometric Crossbody Bag

原價:HK$539.00 | 特價:HK$429.00(今次有低至4折優惠呀)
CHARLES & KEITH 2020年聖誕大減價低至4折優惠:第8張圖片/優惠詳情

Need a sleek, modern bag for everyday use? This two-tone geometric crossbody is perfect for those who want a classic design with a modern touch. Use it to style up a midi dress.

Charles & Keith慳家優惠8:Stone-Embellished Mini Long Wallet

原價:HK$399.00 | 特價:HK$319.00(今次有低至4折優惠呀)
早買早享受,怕遲買會平幾嚿唔夠慳?No la,呢個減價已經好抵,最重要係遲買可以已缺貨,想買都買唔到架喇!
CHARLES & KEITH 2020年聖誕大減價低至4折優惠:第9張圖片/優惠詳情

Keep your cards and cash neatly tucked away in this long wallet and stay stylish at the same time. Show off the stone embellishment when you wear it as a mini bag using the detachable chain strap.

Charles & Keith慳家優惠9:Chain Handle Geometric Crossbody Bag

原價:HK$569.00 | 特價:HK$449.00(今次有低至4折優惠呀)
CHARLES & KEITH 2020年聖誕大減價低至4折優惠:第10張圖片/優惠詳情

A soft yellow piece that’s guaranteed to perk up any summer outfit. Keep your necessities within reach as you brighten your day with this medium-sized geometric crossbody. Style with a linen playsuit.

Charles & Keith慳家優惠10:Satin Criss-Cross Strap Pumps

原價:HK$399.00 | 特價:HK$279.00(今次有低至4折優惠呀)
CHARLES & KEITH 2020年聖誕大減價低至4折優惠:第11張圖片/優惠詳情

The world is your runway and these black satin criss-cross strap pumps are your ultimate fashion accessory. Show them off with cropped tailored pants or a belted midi dress skirt.

註:以上Charles & Keith優惠在發佈當日經驗證仍有貨源,不過可能優惠太熱門會缺貨或提前完結優惠;慳家人記住要直接在Charles & Keith網站上查詢最新價錢以及優惠,希望以上資訊幫到你慳!

💰💰全城至抵1212/聖誔節網購優惠 2023/優惠碼大集合,全年買嘢最最最抵嘅時間,記住要check晒啲價惠呀,有好多係隱藏/獨家優惠架!💰💰
CHARLES & KEITH 2020年聖誕大減價低至4折優惠


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Charles & Keith (小ck)優惠慳人包

Charles & Keith (小ck) 優惠慳人包

CHARLES & KEITH成立於1996年(charles and keith在香港普遍稱為「小CK」),由Charles Wong與Keith Wong所創辦。抱持著對時尚的展望,設計出屬於亞洲女性的鞋款。身為一個時尚生活品牌,charles and keith利用最新的流行趨勢元素設計各種商品,包括包款及首飾配件,將其成為可觸及到的時尚。該品牌的獨特嚴選設計也讓時髦的都市女性擁有時尚的購物目的地。從第一間新加坡店鋪至現今charles and keith在亞洲、歐洲及中東地區已擁有超過500間的店鋪,官方購物網站CHARLESKEITH.COM也在各時尚城市上線,包括杜拜、首爾、上海、台北和香港。近三年進駐了更多城市,包括法國巴黎老佛爺百貨快閃店、香港沙田及中環門市,以及澳門威尼斯人店舖。
